Good Girl To Goddess Podcast
Good Girl To Goddess is hosted by Joy Balma - women’s empowerment coach and author of the book “Crack Your Good Girl Code.” Each episode is a wake-up call to own your power and claim your full potential in life, love and biz. It's time to get over your good girl and get on with your life.
Good Girl To Goddess Podcast
Relationship Red Flags: Gaslighting & Love Bombing
Joy Balma
Season 1
Episode 20
Do you sweep the truth under the rug and ignore red flags to maintain the peace with your partner? Do you shut down your intuition to keep the relationship going? Do you imagine if you work harder, they will be a better partner? Red flags are previews of coming attractions in your relationship. Keep your eyes wide-open to save yourself from wasting time with the wrong person.
Joy's website: www.goodgirltogoddess.com
Joy's book: Crack Your Good Girl Code